You can embed a deck created on tapped out. For example, to link to you need to make note of the deck’s name. In this case, it is “sarkhan-unbroken-cyclonic-rift-1”.

You would use the code as shown below (replacing the {} with brackets)

 {sc name="decklist" deckname="sarkhan-unbroken-cyclonic-rift-1"}

You can also embed a deck using the format of “numberx cadname“). Let’s say your deck contained 4 Tarmogofy, 3 Cryptic Command, 5 Island and 2 Forest. The code would look like this (replacing the {} with brackets)

{sc name="makedecklist" cards="4x Tarmogoyf
3x Cryptic Command
5x Island
2x Forest"}
4x Tarmogoyf
3x Cryptic Command
5x Island
2x Forest