Banned List

This is the official list of banned cards from the Oathbreaker Rules Committee. We understand that some playgroups will have their own preferences. Use –or don’t use– this list at…

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Embedding Decks

…You would use the code as shown below (replacing the {} with brackets) {sc name=”decklist” deckname=”sarkhan-unbroken-cyclonic-rift-1″} You can also embed a deck using the format of “numberx cadname“). Let’s say…

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Topic Title Format: ITEM / numberofspots@$x example: OKO / 50@$2 *Post should contain link to facebook bsr razz…

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Primary Colors: An Introduction to Oathbreaker

…that is almost a trap. Your library itself is really only 58 cards. In blue decks, that number can be lowered even further with spells like Gitaxian Probe [] and…

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