Rumble On Ravnica

…1:30PM CST: Affinity for Commander – Youtube May 27th, 5:00PM CST: The Oathbreakers – Twitch Date TBD : Oathbreaker Rules Committee Live AMA – Youtube And More to Come! MAGIKIDS…

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Embedding Decks

…You would use the code as shown below (replacing the {} with brackets) {sc name=”decklist” deckname=”sarkhan-unbroken-cyclonic-rift-1″} You can also embed a deck using the format of “numberx cadname“). Let’s say…

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Topic Title Format: ITEM / numberofspots@$x example: OKO / 50@$2 *Post should contain link to facebook bsr razz…

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…card includes the casting cost of both sides of the card. The “command zone tax” is calculated based on the number of times the card has been cast. It doesn’t…

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Primary Colors: An Introduction to Oathbreaker

…that is almost a trap. Your library itself is really only 58 cards. In blue decks, that number can be lowered even further with spells like Gitaxian Probe [] and…

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